Let Your Light Shine...
If you don't, people will not know of your good works and the far reaching effect of your local court efforts.
Please check out our year-round events below! Our court helps out in many different ways. Have an idea or suggestion? Contact us!

Prayer Chain and Prayers for the sick of our members, families, and parish
Honor Guard and Rosary wakes for our deceased members
Monthly Rosary at our meetings
Good of the Order at every meeting
Monthly Mass for our members
Education Contest for CDA members and CRE students
Scholarship for graduating seniors
First Communion reception
Adopt a Seminarian
Lifesaver Campaign (Abuse Awareness)
Blood Drive in October and April
Pro-Life support
Love Feast (Feeding meals to families)
Monthly Bulletin and website
Christmas Gifts for nursing home residents
Religious Articles for purchase
Advent Wreaths for parish members
Snack Fund donated to a charity
Support for the youth church camps
Bake Sales - Scavenger's Journey, Christmas cookie jar, Ola play
Chinese Auction at Easter time
Cake Walk at parish Winterfest
Lumen Christi youth retreat support
Bibs for babies in Kimball & Advent baby shower
May Crowning of Mary
Egg Bake fundraiser
Priest Appreciation
Support to national CDA projects and charities
Meals for our local priest
CDA Book Share and DVD library for CDA members and parish members